A Worldwide Run to Support Ukraine

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R4U is an opportunity for runners and communities around the world to support Ukraine.

Create an R4U Team with your family, friends, work colleagues, business, church, school, sports team, military unit, etc.

Team members run (or walk) a 5K and after finishing, send a selfie to your Team Page.

For each finisher, an R4U sponsor donates $10 to four non-profits helping children, displaced families, and wounded soldiers in Ukraine.

Team Pages show selfies for each finisher, total # of finishers, # of donations, team captain, etc.

Each team with 5+ finishers is shown on the R4U community map.


R4U’s mission is to help non-profits assisting the crisis in Ukraine and help families, businesses, churches, schools, etc. show their support.

R4U’s software, website, app, marketing materials, etc. are being built by an international team of software developers, graphic artists, photographers/ videographers, etc. in Ukraine, the U.S., Poland, Sweden and England. If you have professional skills, we welcome your help.

100% of participant and sponsor donations go four non-profits providing humanitarian relief in Ukraine.

R4U is a 50c3 non-profit organization based in Wenatchee, Washington. For more information: RunForUkraine.com


Create an R4U team:

with your family, friends, work colleagues, church, sports, team, school, military unit, sports club, etc.


Your R4U Team page shows:

• Team name

• Total # of finishers

• Selfies of each finisher

• Total # of donations

• Team captain(s)

• Messages from the captain

• The team’s start and finish dates.

How R4U Works?
Create your R4U Team
Team Captains send the Team Code to potential members
Team members can register on the R4U website or app
Team members run (or walk) 5K anytime, anywhere
Finishers send a selfie to the Team Page
For each finisher, an R4U sponsor donates $10 to four non-profits helping children, displaced families and wounded soldiers in Ukraine. Runners can donate but it isn’t required to participate
Each 5K team finisher receives a digital R4U Certificate
R4U Teams with 5+ finishers are shown on the R4U Map.
Hovering over a blue dot will show the Team’s name. Clicking on the blue dot will show the Team’s page and details (no. of finishers, donations, team selfies, etc.)
United24 - Medical Aid

Provides emergency medical supplies, surgical teams, field hospitals, ambulances, etc. to help severely wounded soldiers and civilians.


The four non-profits assist children, displaced families, and wounded soldiers impacted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The R4U website and app have details on the work of each non-profit.

100% of every participant and sponsor donations go to the four non-profits.

As a 501c3 approved non-profit organization, all R4U donations are tax deductible.
United24 - Rebuild Ukraine

Help rebuild critical infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals, clinics, etc. that have been damaged or destroyed by Russian missiles, artillery, and tanks.

Doctors Without Borders

Serving in the frontline zone and in temporary refugee camps inside Ukraine, providing medical aid and materials.

Voices of Children

Ukrainian based aid organization providing psychological support to children who have witnessed war.

As a 501c3 approved non-profit organization, all R4U donations are tax deductible.
Two Options:

R4U sponsors are shown on the R4U map.

Sponsors are essential for R4U’s success.

Phase I
beta event in Wenatchee, Washington to test the software, app, website, marketing materials, etc.
Phase I goal: 1,000+ runners.
Phase II

national / international launch in the summer of 2023.

Phase II goal: 1+ million runners.
40 million Ukrainians are fighting for freedom.... not only for Ukraine but the world.
Countless Ukrainian children are orphans, injured, have been killed and/or are homeless. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers have been severely wounded or killed. Millions of families have been driven from their homes.
You can support them by creating an R4U team or being an R4U sponsor.

Doug Pauly - Coordinator
Run for Ukraine

PO Box 2208
Wenatchee, WA. 98807. U.S.A

RunForUkraine.com (coming soon)

Contact Us!

    About r4u
    What is R4U’s mission?
    Our mission is creating R4U teams with 1+ million 5K finishers to show global support for Ukraine and generating $10 in participant and sponsor donations for each finisher. 100% of the donations will go to nonprofits helping children, displaced families and wounded soldiers in Ukraine.
    What is R4U’s strategy?
    Our R4U app/website/software makes it easy to create an R4U team, sign up members, track each member’s progress and donate to four non-profits assisting in Ukraine.
    When was R4U founded?
    R4U was founded in 2022 after Russia’s invasion. R4U is a 501c3 non-profit led by volunteers and headquartered in Wenatchee, Washington.
    When will R4U launch?
    R4U’s software, app, website and support materials are currently being developed and tested. Our goal is an international launch on February 24, the one year anniversary of the invasion.
    Who is developing R4U’s app, website, software, graphics and video?
    R4U’s core team of software developers, graphics specialists and videographers are all from Ukraine. Other specialists are assisting from the United States, Sweden, Poland, England and Pakistan.
    Can I create an R4U team outside the United States?
    Yes. R4U is an international initiative. Our goal is to generate teams and R4U map “blue dots” in every country.
    Can my team have more than one Captain?
    The Team captain can add co-captains. Co-captains have access to the same team management tools as the captain.
    Who can send invitations to join my team?
    Each registered team is given a link and Team code. The captain(s) can share this link or team code with anyone. When someone uses the link or code to register for the team, the captain(s) have to approve the application.
    When will my selfie appear on the team page?
    When a finisher submits their selfie after finishing a 5K, a team captain must approve the selfie before it is posted on the Team Page.
    Can I run more than once for my team?
    Team members are welcome to complete than one 5K. Sponsors, however, will only donate $10 for each finisher. You can sign up and participate on more than one R4U team.
    When will my team appear on the R4U map?
    Teams with 5+ finishers appear as a blue dot on the R4U map. Teams with more finishers will have a larger blue dot. Clicking on any blue dot shows that Team Page.
    How much of my R4U donation goes to the non-profits helping in Ukraine?
    100% of every participant and sponsor donation goes to the four non-profits assisting in Ukraine. The only deduction is credit card processing fees. R4U’s organizational, programming and administrative costs are being funded by other sponsors.
    Are the donations tax deductible?
    R4U is a 501C3 non-profit so all donations in the U.S. are tax deductible. Donors outside the U.S. should check their country’s tax laws.
    Who pays the $10/finisher donation?
    Sponsors are key to R4U’s success. Organizations, team captains and participants are encouraged to sponsor their own team but it isn’t required to participate. For teams without sponsors, R4U will rely on general sponsors at the community, regional, state and national levels.
    Can team members donate to the four non-profits?
    Yes. While not required, all participants are encouraged to contribute. You can designate which non-profit(s) receives your donation. Individual contributions are included in your Team Page total donations.
    Can I donate with a credit card? Paypal? ApplePay?
    Yes. These payment options are available on the app and website.
    How does R4U general sponsorship work?
    General sponsors are key to R4U’s success. A general sponsor pledges $10 for finishers in unsponsored teams in their community, region or country. A community sponsor, for example, might sponsor 100 runners with a $1,000 contribution. A regional sponsor might sponsor 1,000 runners for a $10,000 contribution. A national sponsor could sponsor 100,000 runners for a $1 million contribution.
    Can a sponsor direct their contribution to a specific non-profit?
    Sponsors can direct their donation to one, more than one or all four of the non-profits.
    Can sponsors receive an invoice and contribute with a check or bank wire?
    Yes. A sponsor or donor contributing $1,000 or more has the option of receiving an invoice and contributing with a check or bank wire.
    More Questions?